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Important V-Ray 1.5 announcement

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  • Oh I just like to whine and bitch at the end of the day.

    Although I'm getting sick of waiting for 1.5 I'm kinda glad....I'm kinda glad they aren't pushing for the release like Max did with max8 (FULL OF BUGS).
    I'm still astounded that they even let the thing go out the door. Someone needs to push that woman out of autodesk and start making smarter decisions.


    • Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 5:38 pm Post subject: Important V-Ray 1.5 announcement
      Dave Buchhofer. // Vsaiwrk


      • well at the end of the day your just joining the john force but long-john has quite a head start on you

        MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
        stupid questions the forum can answer.


        • Originally posted by Da_elf
          well at the end of the day your just joining the john force but long-john has quite a head start on you
          Those you have newer builds are not invited to the party.
          Eric Boer


          • Always funny to read this funny long thread loll


            • I'd like to express my astonishment that you guys have been able to keep this thread going for nearly 2 years.


              V Miller


              • awwww. i cant join in bummer ah well ill go render. i guess it doesnt matter how long this thread gets. when 1.5 is released its almost garanteed a new post

                MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                stupid questions the forum can answer.


                • NO, NO, NO . . . we continue with this one forever! Muhahahaha! No new thread for the new Vray!

                  Seriously though, what woman are you talking about andrewjohn81? Carol Bartz is the CEO of Autodesk, at least until May 1, 2006 then she becomes Autodesk's first executive chairman of the board. There is a new product manager for 3ds Max and I think she is a woman but I don't know her name. Dan Prochazka was a really great product manager for Max I thought so it is a shame he has moved to another position.
                  - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                  "DR or Die!"


                  • Aghhh damn this thread!


                    • We must keep this thread alive.... otherwise where will we come when we have nothing better to do... who will we turn too, where will we post?!?!?!?


                      • loll


                        • Counting down minutes to lift off...

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                          • Comment

                            • Maybe I spoke out of turn without doing research about Carol Bartz.

                              At cgtalk a few people made mention that she was the one pushing for a release every year. I should have researched that if it weren't true.

                              Whoever made the decision to push for that is clearly ignoring the fact that they sometimes just don't have enough features to make you pay for an upgrade and it's full of bugs still. I think 8, even 8sp1, is worse than 7.

                              That's what I was talking about....but probably shouldn't have specified anyone, or any gender which causes an insinuation to a specific person.


                              • Well if Carol Bartz is the one pushing for a release every year I can almost gaurantee it is because she either saw a chance to make more money for Autodesk or was pressured by financial analysts to make Autodesk release a new Max every year to help strengthen the stock position of Autodesk. Either way it is a money decision not one made to enhance any user experience or productivity.

                                I have to say, this is really a shame this sort of thing goes on with publicly traded companies as the vision of the founders really gets trampled on and subsequently the users usually fall under the same "foot" so to speak. All we can do is complain to AME and make them realise releasing such buggy software is, in the long run, going to hurt their business. Meaning we will take our money elsewhere.

                                Max crashed on me 4 times in 20 minutes the other day. Really poor to say the least and all I was doing was looking at parameter files with TreeStorm, huh! Autodesk, fix those bugs and make Max stable for crying out loud!
                                - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                                "DR or Die!"

