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Important V-Ray 1.5 announcement

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  • for me this would be more interesting to get more power while caching the data from the files before and after, so that you have faster rendertime again with motionblur and you don't have to postwork with combustion the motionblur effect...

    btw: is there existing a solution for after effects? i like more the adobe than cobustion but there is no possibility in using the motion buffer in after effects... someone knows a good plugin?


    • Someone wanted us to make the help index for the internal build public; here it is:

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • THX vlado verry good help index


        • Thank you Vlado !

          I have read it a part of yesterday night...

          What a long, long list of improvments and new features...
          Wowwww !!!!!!!!!!!!

          Congratulations for the work.
          Many examples and some good explanations, very good !
          Not finished yet, but it already helps a lot to understand the use of
          some butons.

          A QUESTION :
          I was surprised to see nothing about distributed rendering for Max6.
          Max4 or 5, yes, but nothing for Max6.
          I'm very worry, concerned about it

          Bye !



          • great news !!!
            a lot of examples


            • He He

              nice to see the premanual online for public finaly.

              only thing worse, 10000 vray junkys seem to be online togehther at once.
              its sloooow to download now

              a good decision.



              • I am also amazed to see such a big improvement over build 1.09! Now I understand why you took so long to get where you are....

                I for now can barely imagine what could be planned to Vray 2.0... real-time renderings, maybe?

                Vlado and Vray team, congratulations for the work you're doing untill now!



                • Can't wait to see Maya version


                  • Can't wait to see Max version


                    • Originally posted by andre
                      Can't wait to see Max version
                      ....yeah, froget about the maya version for now......can't wait for the max version


                      • lol

                        i cant wait to see a max version.

                        and i begin to fear that v.1.1 disaster will happen again.

                        ok ok, all you lucky guys testing the new builds but with v1.1 there where also new builds every day but never a final release.

                        if DR will be working is still a mystery.

                        but hope dies at last.


                        • But when will i be out?!!?


                          • when it´s done.


                            • I almost died when I saw that we can now to change the color mapping without rendering. This is perfect!

                              Other thing that I liked is the possibility to select the bucket to render with the mouse. This is very usefull too...

                              Of course, many other things like the amazing Displacement and Light Map GI Engine with it's infinite bounces and fast renderings. It's a dream!!!

                              But as this version is not done yet. Maybe there is time to put 3 wishes that may be very useful:

                              * I think that such a great frame buffer should have an option help us to compare the last X renderings. We could set how many renders we want to keep and in the VFB window to have 2 arrows, a forward and preview one to compare the renderings. The images could be saved in a folder of vray and renamed as we render. This would be really nice for set up parameters in test renders.

                              * This one is more complicated but I think that is really important. Is to have a better SSS on the launch of the final 1.5 version. I never have seen a nice skin shader with the Vray material, and I'm pretty sure that not just architects and enginieers uses Vray. Brazil that is getting old was the first to implement a skin shader, Final Render has it's own too, but in this field Vray is so poor in my opinion. Don't need to be a skin shader at all, but a better SSS would be so helpfull for this purpose and many others. Take a look at the SSS of the skin or wax shader of Final Shaders, it is really amazing.

                              * As the displacement of Vray is far the best of all renderers, (as with it's GI, Caustics and so on), to have a sharp integration between the Zbrush would be really nice. Maybe this can be done via script, but if we could use the same values of displacement that we use in ZBrush, or a way to convert this value to amount/shift parameters of the Vray's displacement modifier. Because the process right now is based on stay trying until to find an aproximated result. If this information could be shared between the programs to automate this process would be pretty good indeed.

                              Sorry for the list, but just I couldn't keep this with me...

                              As I probably will not see this all in this version, at least put in your list for the next one.

                              Thanks a lot!



                              • Hi Eugenio Jr.

                                After the 1.5 there will come the standalone, and i know Vlado and Peter still have a wishlist for the things to come after the 1.5., i am sure some of your ideas will come to real later.

                                don´t know if you know.
                                Vlado has posted somewhere here in the forum something to make the connection to z-brush better.

                                you might search for those zbrush thread, and in the new internal there also is included a new bitmap filetype, to bring in better the displacementmap from zbrush, because max didnt interprete it very well.

                                never the less it allready is a fantastic improvement, z-brush with vray.


