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  • Originally posted by cpnichols
    LongJohn = Andy Rooney of the Vray forum.





    • andy rooney is a decrepit old racist. hes like a joke on a broken record, spitting out the same punchline for the last 30 years. but hes okay i guess

      "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


      • he was racist? opps. then i guess i hate him.

        MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
        stupid questions the forum can answer.


        • hes certainly made some pretty racist comments in the past. But hes so old that Ive even heard those from minorities laugh them off and just say his kind are quickly getting old and dying out.

          "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


          • 0.02! 0.02! 0.02!!!1


            • no politics, please!
              ...keep walking...


              • you guess brought up a point that is really interesting, why not switching to another render?

                I know that vray is a great thing, but I'm really affraid of it's development. All I see are improvements in an area I don't need or can't use. I really wonder how good are others.

                But before that, I wonder what will be next in Vray development. I mean version 2.0. Will it be again a 2-3 years waiting time?

                There are so many issues in Vray that need to improved that I really would like to know what to do next.




                • Why "switching"? You can use another renderer, and wait until Vray will be released. FinalRender will be in 2005.1, Brazil is on the way, sooo....i will wait for firsth of them...first usable, i mean.


                  • I can wait, well I can do holiday leave my company to other etc...
                    Ok, I can't wait I have to do my job.
                    But, going away from Vray is not the thing I have to decied.
                    I have to check what we use next, how we can solve a job etc..
                    I currently testing Brazil, and beside slowness it got what i want.

                    It's not the price that counts, if a render is slow but work as expected it can even save manpower. And compared to the people I have to hire for doing a job the software is not expensive.

                    What got me wrong is that, the Vray team don't understand us. They do not care about our demands or problems, they simple do what they want. Well, Vray 1.5 is defently a improvement we all waiting for, but it comes with so much new problems that it won't be fun changing.

                    Still we have no T-Baker in Max 6, the channels don't support rpf, or velocity blur. Geometry above 3 million crashes and displacement does the same. We have no nice shaders, nor do transparents, fresnel or shellac work fast and correct. We have 4 radiostiy engines, but we need only one, that works good and with the features we need (skylight, local settings, invisibility). The mate material is another thing, I haven't been able to exclude an refelction yet. Etc.....

                    Why saying this, don't know. Nobody will listen...




                    • brazill will have a progressiv render engine and a irradiance map engine (don´t know if a lightmap feature will be in too).

                      banshee is running fine with max 6 even when it´s still alpha.

                      problem is, nobody knows how long will it take till we see v2.0.

                      brazils development is slow as it´s GI engine but the renderer is rock solid.

                      today brazil is not good for interior renderings with GI.
                      vray is still much better for this kind of work.


                      • Hey Robert,

                        I really get somewhat angry when i read your text.

                        What got me wrong is that, the Vray team don't understand us. They do not care about our demands or problems, they simple do what they want. Well, Vray 1.5 is defently a improvement we all waiting for, but it comes with so much new problems that it won't be fun changing.
                        They don't care? Why then do we have all those things we wanted and suggested? Opacity Mapping in the VrayMat, faked speculars, seperated IOR's, VrayLights facing in the "right" direction, visible to GI button (usefull for Skydomes), Render Elements, global material override, surface priority for Liquids in glas, bokeh, and so on and so on. All these things are wishes from users! I have (re)suggested many of them in this Thread and there all in the 1.5beta now! Many more of our wishes are coming in the next builds. (usable small Map Buttons for example, and better working DR) So they do care what we users think! But it's true they do not only finish Features and fullfill user wishes. They also come up with totally new things. Things most of the users can't even think of! (Like Lightmap, adaptive QMC AA for example) I think it's what we call here ""Spieltrieb" - the need to play and invent new things. In my opinion that is what makes the chaosguys different from other developers. I think it's a Strength.

                        Still we have no T-Baker in Max 6, the channels don't support rpf, or velocity blur. Geometry above 3 million crashes and displacement does the same. We have no nice shaders, nor do transparents, fresnel or shellac work fast and correct. We have 4 radiostiy engines, but we need only one, that works good and with the features we need (skylight, local settings, invisibility). The mate material is another thing, I haven't been able to exclude an refelction yet. Etc.....
                        Oh Robert - you sound as if you would have the RIGHT to get those Features. Actually those are Wishes - you can't complain that they're still not done - make a(nother) Thread in the Wishlist section and say that you would like to see them in Vray. Furthermore most of the things you talk about are simply not true. Geometry about 3 Million is crashing? As many users here in the Forum i rendered far more than that - uninstanced and without problems. Concerning displacement - it's so much faster now than it was in 1.09 and it does not crash here in my everyday work. (notice that Hyperthreating and MultiCPU Systems need additional ram for every Thread - that could cause the crash)
                        nor do transparents, fresnel or shellac work fast and correct.
                        We have transparents and opacity - what do you want more? Fresnel always worked.
                        We have 4 radiostiy engines, but we need only one, that works good and with the features we need (skylight, local settings, invisibility).
                        Totally Wrong! If you can't use the new GI Engines just stick with the old ones. Me and many others think that the Lightmap is a wonderfull new Method though. (fastest Gi Engine i have ever seen - perfect for secondary Bounces) Photon Mapping has become somewhat obsolete (still usefull in some cases and with old scenes) but i use all other Engines very often. Skylight not there? What the hell are you talking about? Local Settings - we already have some. It could be more though but that's something for the Wishlist. Invisibility - we have that or you mean something totally different.

                        I already said something about my opinion of the chaosgroup style of development - it's not perfect i think. But please stop with that negative whining attitude. It's not constructive for Vray nor will it make this board any better.
                        Sascha Geddert


                        • Very well put Geddart

                          And as far as a 3 million poly limit I recently did some test with the VrayProxy and rendered 1 billion polys of trees with GI not the prettiest render :P but the memory usage never went over 1 Gig



                          Eric Boer


                          • wow, thats alot of faces!


                            • and what was the imap settings? -20/-19 ?


                              • Anyway, that's far above 3 million...

