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Announcing the V-Ray.exe project

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  • #46

    You know, I'm not trying to complain, and I'm not scared, and if it works that way then fine, I'll stick to vray. I just hope you are right. Maybe I didn't undertand what a standalone means. I thought it was an external program where you have to import a file from another program to work on it JUST FOR RENDERING and not for modellisation, the way lightscape was working.
    From what I understand, it will be somewhat like that, but not in the lightscape sense. It will be standalone in the mentalray/renderman sense.

    Meaning, the rendering engine can be installed independently of the 3d application. That way, you can have a farm, and it doesnt matter whether you use maya or max for creating/sending jobs.


    • #47
      I love the idea of this.

      I've been using sketch up more and more because I find it much faster than modeling in acad and or max. My only drawback is the clucnky method of getting it into max to render. The ability to be able to render a native skp file would be brilliant! I'm sure the people over at @last software would be more than willing to share code with the chaos coders


      • #48
        yeah I find that sketch up is growing faster and faster in the arch viz and design community......zI think it will become a contestant against major ups like viz/max in the arch a port from sketchup to vray would mean that a lot of people wouldn't have to use max/viz as a middle man

        btw, great work peter and vlado



        • #49
          //there are some simple rules to follow in skecthup modelling, (if u are going to render in other app)then you'll have no problems with the exported mesh normals (mostly this is the problem)
          But it doesnt mean it wont be cool for it!


          • #50
            Still no luck getting the syntax right on the vray exporter for MAYA... I used this and got no luck:

            doVRayMeshExport -filename "c:/temp/test.vrmesh";

            Anyone want to give me a hint? I even tried to reverse the slash...


            • #51
              Hope there be a C4D connection in the near future.


              • #52
                Behold the awesome power of Maya and VRay!!

                Hehe, well it's a start anyway. The interactiveness is cool to an extent, but the ability to hit a render button instead will be a nice option. It's only crashed once for me which is pretty good really.

                Oh, and a nice fix would be to make it that when you change resolution, the camera stays relative to the objects.

                Great work guys!!


                • #53
                  Originally posted by peter
                  Maybe all should work on the Max version first?
                  I don't want to go into details, but history proves this to be very wrong.
                  don´t know what could be the reason, but im not coding a renderer.

                  i love to see a working maya version! we use maya more and more.

                  this will be exiting months to come.
                  brazil in rhino and im pretty sure in maya too.

                  fR for maya.

                  vray for maya.


                  • #54
                    most max users will not benefit from a standalone version.
                    instead, we will lose support for 3rd party plugins and unsupported max features.
                    threads like "why are my RPC's blurry?" will disappear, instead it will be like "where are my RPC's?".
                    look at mental ray...the connections are in development for years, and they still suck...except with XSI...
                    the only advantage i imagine would be the option to use linux systems for rendering.

                    and now thing about the missing DR in max 6!

                    how long will it take that a standalone rendere will support all new features when discreet and alias release new versions every 12 month?

                    how much time they have to spend on bugfixing for 2 different plattforms?

                    look at the delay of 1.5 we see right now.
                    do you think things will get better or worse when you have to support maya and max?

                    max has more third party plugin developer then any other 3d app.

                    do you think a standalone renderer will support all these third party plugins?

                    look at MR.
                    you can´t use 70% of the plugins you can use with vray, fR or brazil.


                    • #55
                      to make it clear, i love to see a maya version!

                      but i think that a standalone version has, beside all the positiv effects, also negativ effects. imo the specific support for an application will not be that good anymore.


                      • #56
                        to make it clear, i love to see a maya version!

                        but i think that a standalone version has, beside all the positiv effects, also negativ effects. imo the specific support for an application will not be that good anymore.
                        I asked before and I ask again - please - do not mislead people. I value your personal opinion, BUT, I did say the MAX support will not suffer - and I do mean it. We will still support eveything one has in MAX. The developement will not get slower. More people are joining the group.
                        ...keep walking...


                        • #57
                          ok, sorry.

                          but seeing renderman and mental ray i still have some fears.

                          i hope that it will work well but it´s a lot more work to keep vray up to date when you support more applications.

                          it´s not only the application, it´s also more plugins that need to be supported.


                          • #58
                            see...seee. :P hehe. awsome stuff by the way. i cant wait to be able to export more stuff from our modeling packages like the cameras, lighting and materials (hehe i know thats a long way down the line)

                            MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                            stupid questions the forum can answer.


                            • #59
                              ok, sorry.

                              but seeing renderman and mental ray i still have some fears.

                              i hope that it will work well but it´s a lot more work to keep vray up to date when you support more applications.

                              it´s not only the application, it´s also more plugins that need to be supported.
                              I do understand your fears, as history has shown most of this type of products to be problematic. I hope we can prove history to be wrong... again...
                              ...keep walking...


                              • #60
                                hey, ambient occlusion ? i want that, too in the advanced version. nono, i don´t mean skylight....

