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VRAY is the buggiest software i have EVER used!

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  • #16
    I wouldn't use VRay if cloning didn't work.
    Ben Steinert


    • #17
      save you all the objects that are instanced and convert them to ePolys and render....if you need to go back and change things before you collapsed everything just load the saved scene.

      but turns out with all this extra screwing around and tryin to make it would have been better to use maxs anyways
      sounds like that has everything to do with the fact that you know Max well but dont know VRay, hence my statement about picking up a new render in the middle of a project. max has plenty of bugs, but you just knowyou way around them.

      remember we are all here to help each time try not to be such a raging dickhead.


      • #18
        i have found that vray doesnt like mirrored instances at all.


        • #19
          hey asango! try working for like 30 hours straight, on something..and everything looks dont get one error while working on it and test rendering...then you go to render the animation and get nothing but errors and doesnt make any sense...then i re-render the same frame after a crash and guess what it works fine...things i can not explain tend to get to me...i can usually solve most problems i run into..this i cannot...cause i cannot even tell where and when this error is occuring and its not consistant...i know now it probably can be traced back to instances...sorry for being an ass but this was really pissing me off...espeically when i invested all this time and it looks great but wont render~! and especially when you have a deadline! and i have used vray before with no off to try everything i can before switching back to scanline crapola!

          Anywho! lata!
          Jesse Van Dubberke


          • #20
            My second guess would be two things, one your machine is overheating and causing errors, AMD by any chance? and second Memory is clogging up. A large % of my crashes are due to runnung out of memory. I would try using Backburner to render it even if just on one machine. That way if it fails it will try again.
            Eric Boer


            • #21
              yes i am using amd...i was thinking of that too..heat or memory..i increased my virtual memory and i am getting more ram soon...

              heat would do that! ? wouldnt it just freeze?
              Jesse Van Dubberke


              • #22
                Won't always just freeze, we had a dual xeon here that was running at about 60% of what it should of, turned out the heatsink on one of the CPUs was not properly seated, we fixed that and it was back to 100%. Heat can cause all kinds of problems, here's an thread where it was discussed
                Eric Boer


                • #23
                  np jesse. we all know how it is, b/c we've all been there.

                  this is a great resouce, problably the best software specific resource i have ever found on the net. just look at all the possible fixes pple have already recommended and you just only posted this morning, even with a...well...abrupt entry

                  everyone here is extremely professional and helpful and that is all we ask for in return.

                  i hope your able to solve your problem and good luck with your deadline.


                  • #24

                    Thanks a alot! everything is running smoothly was a hot CPU issue afterall...i owe all you guys an apology...SORRY! Vray is the best renderer i have ever used...

                    Thanks again!
                    Jesse Van Dubberke


                    • #25


                      I have an AthlonXP 1900+ with a Thermalright SLK-800 copper heatsink. My idle temps run around 49-51C. Before the copper heatsink I had the retail AMD heatsink with that nasty thermal tape and my idle temps were in the high 60's (high 70's when rendering in MAX and Lightscape which would crash my computer). Temperature plays a very large role in stability. Invest in a good heatsink and thermal compund / grease. I use Artic Silver III thermal grease which is the best I think.


                      • #26
                        Glad everything is "cool", so to speak

                        When I first started in the biz I would often get flu like symptons after battleling a deadline, stress is a major downside of our little proffesion, especcialy when things are going wrong. I understand how you were feeling this morning, glad we could help.

                        Eric Boer


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Jesse
                          yes i am using amd...i was thinking of that too..heat or memory..i increased my virtual memory and i am getting more ram soon...

                          heat would do that! ? wouldnt it just freeze?
                          I'm on a dual AMD 2100+ here. I used to get weird errors, freezes and crashes at times. Then I installed a couple of extra case fans and all the errors are gone now. AMD really, really doesn't like to get too hot.
                          Torgeir Holm |


                          • #28
                            While we're on the subject of heat, What would you amd users say is a normal operating temperature at idle and under render?

                            Vance Miller


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by vance3d
                              While we're on the subject of heat, What would you amd users say is a normal operating temperature at idle and under render?

                              Vance Miller
                              Vance, read this article My idle temps are 48-52C. Rendering is 56-60C. Kinda high but I've been unable to get it any lower, even with a large copper heatsink and Artic Silver 3. I think I need a better case with more air flow. My chip might just be a "hot" one. Some are.


                              • #30
                                Before I got the new fans my CPUs were at 65 while idling.
                                After getting some serious air flow in the case they now idle in the mid to high forties, depending on how hot the day is. Rendering is between 55 and 60 somewhere.
                                Torgeir Holm |

