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3d 360 panoramas for SAMSUNG Gear VR

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  • it's a pretty weak trade secret - set the eye distance to 0 and use 2 cubes in the same place with each one only visible to one camera. cut each 18k image up into 4 - left eye half 1, left eye half 2, etc. then you're only dealing with 4.5k x 1500 maps


    • Originally posted by Neilg View Post
      it's a pretty weak trade secret - set the eye distance to 0 and use 2 cubes in the same place with each one only visible to one camera. cut each 18k image up into 4 - left eye half 1, left eye half 2, etc. then you're only dealing with 4.5k x 1500 maps
      Very awesome thanks for the tip - so do you the oculus prefab in order to set the eye distance?.... id love a build to see if you're able to share.
      Last edited by deflix; 11-01-2016, 03:05 PM.
      Immersive media - design and production


      • I'll be honest with you - I've been coming up with ways it can work but i've been delegating all the finer points of actually getting it working and the guy who did it is off all week. I do know that from me saying 'what if we try this' and him never having used unity before it only took a couple hours.
        Nothing we can share sorry - we've got one set up of a regular clients job which isnt public and they've not even seen it yet. we're showing them on friday and asking if they want to buy it.


        • please ignore this deleted duplicate post.
          Last edited by deflix; 11-01-2016, 03:49 PM.
          Immersive media - design and production


          • Originally posted by Neilg View Post
            we've got one set up of a regular clients job which isnt public and they've not even seen it yet. we're showing them on friday and asking if they want to buy it.

            I'm impressed - good luck for Friday!

            PS - that amplify software looks great.....reminds me a bit of carmacks megatexture.
            Last edited by deflix; 11-01-2016, 03:51 PM.
            Immersive media - design and production


            • Originally posted by deflix View Post
              you are right about the importance of presentation but i've not had an issue using ORBX; i just run ORBX directly from the phone (like a unity app) and am inside the images within a few seconds without even opening oculus home.
              ORBX can also implement 2 ui layers, (including video), hotspots, cubemap sequences and audio for each cubemap so have all the tools required to deliver cost-effective content without limitation.
              This is interesting: so ORBX can be run manually from the phone itself? I thought it needed the Oculus home interface running first?

              Also happy to hear that ORBX supports hotspots etc. Have you managed to get this working?
              Kind Regards,
              Richard Birket



              • So what are the core differences between rendering a stereo spherical camera and rendering a stereo 6x1 cubic? Is one better than the other?
                Kind Regards,
                Richard Birket



                • The cubemap has a better pixel distribution across the image.

                  3LP Team


                  • The cubemap obviously has more seams though, so if you want to add any post production, like glows it's more work than spherical.


                    • Originally posted by tricky View Post
                      So what are the core differences between rendering a stereo spherical camera and rendering a stereo 6x1 cubic? Is one better than the other?

                      The cubemap format was developed to create the optimal fill and distribution for the 1440p display used on gearVR. It also has a relatively small footprint on GPU memory allowing multiple cubemaps to be loaded very quickly on mobile. for similar reasons it is also possible to play 18k cubemaps at 60fps directly from GPU memory to produce what John Carmack coined as 'VR Vines' - a novel (and groundbreaking) format still under development at OTOY. This format is also the highest fidelity content possible on any headset at this time.

                      Carmack describes OTOYS 18k format here -

                      And yes any app can be opened from the phone, which then prompts you to insert in the headset for direct access to that app.
                      Last edited by deflix; 12-01-2016, 03:51 PM.
                      Immersive media - design and production


                      • We've been making a basic unity app for viewing panos with cardboard (app basically as per what neilg said)
                        Looks great on cardboard, ordered a new Gear VR, but dont understand how to view the app through the Gear VR? Just get stuck in the oculus home crap.
                        Ive tried the developer mode as mentioned few posts up, but no joy
                        I also tried just not plugging the USB in all the way, which works, kind of, but then you lose the functionality of the touchpad etc.

                        Hope there is way around this


                        • Originally posted by AlexP View Post
                          We've been making a basic unity app for viewing panos with cardboard (app basically as per what neilg said)
                          Looks great on cardboard, ordered a new Gear VR, but dont understand how to view the app through the Gear VR? Just get stuck in the oculus home crap.
                          Ive tried the developer mode as mentioned few posts up, but no joy
                          I also tried just not plugging the USB in all the way, which works, kind of, but then you lose the functionality of the touchpad etc.

                          Hope there is way around this
                          if youre building an app in unity you can put a signature file for each phone you want to use in the build and run as a normal app for Gvr.
                          Immersive media - design and production


                          • Hi

                            We have been having a good play with the Gear VR and have had some great success with rendered Cube Maps directly loaded with the Gear VR or through Krpano, and have put our festive examples below.

                            We have also tested our Krpano scenes on mobile devices in both the Gear VR and Cardboard devices; though when running the krpano version on the Samsung S6 through the Gear VR headset, with the gear vr option in Krpano, it feels like too much motion blur with fast movements, but focus is fine while moving slow.

                            It works great though through cardboard device lenses so could just be down to the Gears lenses, or does anyone know if this is down to when the gear vr app is run it boosts the screen refresh rate on the S6? and wondered if anyone else has experienced this? Or is this just down to the gear VR software's ability to load the full 18k map so efficiently and other software such as Krpano having to load each map of the cube individually even when cashed? Does this also affect unity loading efficientcy as the app loads 12 sliced maps rather than the full 18k cube map?

                            It would be nice to get both full 18k renders and krpano or web based stereoscopic scenes running super smooth on the Gear VR.


                            Latest 18k Cube Maps


                            James Budge


                            • Originally posted by deflix View Post
                              if youre building an app in unity you can put a signature file for each phone you want to use in the build and run as a normal app for Gvr.
                              Interesting. Found this on google.

                              6) Finally we need to create a signature file. You will need your phone’s id in order to do this. First download this app onto your phone: . This will give you your device id, keep this safe. Next go to this link on the Oculus site , log in and input your device id, you will then receive your signature file. In your Unity project folder, place this file into Assets\Plugins\Android\assets . (If there is no assets folder in the Android folder then create one and place it in there.) This signature basically authorises your Unity project on that particular phone.


                              • Originally posted by James_Budge View Post

                                We have been having a good play with the Gear VR and have had some great success with rendered Cube Maps directly loaded with the Gear VR
                                How are you loading the cube maps directly with the Gear VR please?

