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Important V-Ray 1.5 announcement

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  • well, max 7 is to be released in october, so i think chaos group have a plan for version?


    • As far as I know Max 6 Plugins will work with Max 7 , so 1.50 should work fine. It is the Evil even number Max versions you have to beware of.
      Eric Boer


      • yepp, i agree to that. As far as i know, it was max 4.2 that was the most stable max ver. ever.....until we see what max7 does


        • Sorry i have to disagree, i think Max 6 is way more stable then max 4.2.


          • Max 3.1 was the most stable by far, two bad it was useless......
            Two heads are better than one ...
            ....but some head is better than none.....


            • lol at the "too bad it was useless" comment.

              Is it just me or does Vray 1.5's release date seem more like Half Life 2's? We know that it's nearly there, but it just keeps slipping.

              I personnally can't wait to try Vray 1.5 and the next release of Aura. But I guess that's just what I'll have to do. Wait.

              Fingers crossed.


              • Originally posted by MDKKnD

                Is it just me or does Vray 1.5's release date seem more like Half Life 2's? We know that it's nearly there, but it just keeps slipping.
                Duke Nukem 4ever.....


                • You know what I can't wait for? a 64bit OS, and 32 gigs of ram in a computer that is smaller then a refrigerator. I wish I could tap into the cete@home to do my renderings...

                  Until then I have to live with my computer, and my software to do my 3D...

                  Some of the guys on this page have created some amazing art with slow computers and old software... so I know it is possible.


                  ok... some of them are crap... but still pretty good considerign that they were doen 7 years ago.

                  It is a scary thought if newer software made me a better artist... who would get the credit? Me or the software?

                  Wait this has nothing to do with Vray or 1.5.... I'm just ranting while the network is down


                  • So from what i heard you guys showed at siggraph of Vray for Maya with no shader support or UI, is it safe to assume it wont be out till next year? Or even in the latter half of next year?


                    • I could be wrong, but Id go out on a limb and say that vray for maya wont be much until into next year.

                      "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                      • my mobo can take up to 16gb of ram. problem is i would need to do it with 2gb chips in the 6 slots. however there is no OS that can take up to 16GB is there?

                        MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                        stupid questions the forum can answer.


                        • yikes 6 memory slots? a 16gb limit seems almost ludicrous...

                          "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                          • yup. its one of those supermicro server motherboards

                            MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                            stupid questions the forum can answer.



                              linux seems to be able to support more than 4.
                              val valgardson


                              • i think windows 2k advanced server can take up to 8mb. but i remember a friend asking me over to his place to help him install it and daaaaamn it was difficult to figure out a simple think like how to install and setup a network card with ip address

                                MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                                stupid questions the forum can answer.

