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  • the company i work for now has a few vray seats (4).

    but we are bit tired of the endless promises that we finally will get a stable and fully working vray version (e.g. v1.5).

    it´s mid august and still no 1.5.

    we also have just bought a few brazil seats.
    brazil has DR, even in beta stage it´s very stable.

    ok brazil is slower and not good as vray for interiors, but EVERYTHING is working as expected. we had not a single crash with brazil (don´t want to count the vray crashes).

    the brazils GI is slower, there is no doubt.
    but on the other side, i don´t have to search for issues that creates splotches or red/blue areas like i have with vray.

    i don´t have to fear that with a certain scene setup the refractions or caustics, or GI will look strange.

    we still have not switched too 1.45 because there are to many known bugs.

    vray is great when it works, but the bugs and crashes will give you gray hair.


    • ........the brazils GI is slower, there is no doubt.
      but on the other side, i don´t have to search for issues that creates splotches or red/blue areas like i have with vray.

      i don´t have to fear that with a certain scene setup the refractions or caustics, or GI will look strange............
      Sounds to me like you obviously know how to use Brazil alot better than vray, wich makes me wonder why you don't stick to Brazil.
      As for not getting any splotches with GI in Brazil....well I have experienced alot of blotchyness and difficulties getting a clean sollution at acceptable rendertimes, and so have quite a few others gathering from the posts at their forum.
      You could obviously help out to prevent the people there getting gray hairs and ulcers.
      On the other hand...I have personally never ever had any issues with coloured dots in vray, and only lately with the BETA build og 1.45.70 have I had any serious crashing problems. This is mainly because I know of most of the do's and don't do's in vray ( I.e raytrace materials etc.) Seems to me it all comes down to how well you know a renderers quirks, relating directly to ones percentage of success with it.
      Signing out,


      • Sounds to me like you obviously know how to use Brazil alot better than vray, wich makes me wonder why you don't stick to Brazil.
        As for not getting any splotches with GI in Brazil....well I have experienced alot of blotchyness and difficulties getting a clean sollution at acceptable rendertimes, and so have quite a few others gathering from the posts at their forum. .
        you mix splotches with GI artefacts.

        i talk about bugs.
        and if you are not affected by these bugs be happy but you can find enough reports in the bug froum.

        i have to admit that the last releases behave better but still new vray versions bring new bugs or old bugs apear again.

        even if all these reports are only becuase user are unable to use vray correctly, the question still remains why brazil is not so picky?

        it´s because they don´t throw in new functions all the time but concentrate on creating a rock solid rendering system.

        i always wrote that i think chaos softare should concentrate more on making features rock stable, then making them work 90% and then working on another feature.

        that is my opinion and of course everyone is free to have his own.


        • i always wrote that i think chaos softare should concentrate more on making features rock stable, then making them work 90% and then working on another feature.

          that is my opinion and of course everyone is free to have his own.
          Ah, but you yourself want more features too, at several places on the forum. The features for 1.5 are fixed now and we will not be adding any substantially new stuff - what you see in the beta, is pretty much what you will get, except for added DR and bug fixes.

          Best regards,
          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


          • Any speculation on a date Vlado?


            • hehe...when its finished... heard that one yet?

              "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


              • that is my opinion and of course everyone is free to have his own.
                Ah, but you yourself want more features too, at several places on the forum.

                sure, but imo i never asked to work on this features before the status quo is rock solid.

                adding something to a wishlist is different to begin coding on a new feature everytime you have a new idea (and you guys had few great ideas for vray, no question ).

                but please do it step by step not all at the same time.


                • i thought you had complained in the past about all the different steps its taken between 1.0 and 1.5 and that you prefered it to just be one step like how fR and mental ray take forever to put out a new build. i too love to get little new builds with new things vray has added

                  MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                  stupid questions the forum can answer.


                  • Originally posted by Da_elf
                    i too love to get little new builds with new things vray has added
                    same here.....



                    • yes, I love the small steps myself. FAR better than the 1-2 year waits that we are so custom too with other tools. Vray generally has the best way with most things. Only weakness with Vray i have seen is:
                      - documentation
                      - some problems to finish the tools



                      • Documentation is coming along nicely nowadays.. but yea, it was a bit sparing in the earlier days. but hey, us community buggers were a lot more helpful back then to make up for it
                        Dave Buchhofer. // Vsaiwrk


                        • sure, but imo i never asked to work on this features before the status quo is rock solid.
                          Ever thought about the fact that their may be MUCH bigger things going on behind the scenes that go WAY beyond your personal issues and wishlists?

                          Man I want lower taxes, world piece, and road with no potholes... but do you think my goverment has been listening to me? NO... but every election year they keep promissing me that it they will have it.

                          LongJohn = Andy Rooney of the Vray forum.


                          • Originally posted by cpnichols

                            sure, but imo i never asked to work on this features before the status quo is rock solid.
                            Ever thought about the fact that there may be MUCH bigger things going on behind the scenes that go WAY beyond your personal issues and wishlists?

                            Man I want lower taxes, world piece, and road with no potholes... but do you think my goverment has been listening to me? NO... but every election year they keep promissing me that it they will have it.

                            LongJohn = Andy Rooney of the Vray forum.


                            • LongJohn = Andy Rooney of the Vray forum.

                              it´s really funny that i critizise parts of vray´s development and some can only respond with personal attacks.


                              • dont take it nagatively. i used to looove that section. andy rooney was cool

                                MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                                stupid questions the forum can answer.

