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Important V-Ray 1.5 announcement

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  • Hey Eugenio Jr. - concerning the new Framebuffer.
    We thought exactly the same thing when we first got the new version in our hands. We also had very similar ideas like you so we got together with egz and thought about an interface that would really boost the VrayBuffer Functions and it's Workflow.
    After one week of thinking and putting together Ideas in a Photoshop we came up with a really cool Framebuffer that has everything we'd like to see. Everything is build around a Renderhistory with VrayImg Files. In every File there are Layers and metadata so you can apply a Framestamp later on non-destructively. Then we have a Module to compare Images - the Idea is that you can compare Everything with Everything else - meaning Channels with Passes with Imaps and so on.

    Vlado and peter already got the pdf with our suggestions and i think you'll see some of these Ideas either in the next versions or in the Standalone.

    I'll post the PDF as soon as a 1.5 testversion is our for everybody.
    Sascha Geddert


    • eugenio jr I am agree with your ideas but take a look at all this thread

      there are already a sub surface scattering shader for vray but not fast like brazil or final render

      like peter said in the first page:

      After V-Ray 1.5 is released, we will continue adding extensions to the basic core such as additional geometric primitives (render-time meshsmooth'd geometry), shaders etc.
      So we can expect to see a SSS shader soon after the launching of 1.5

      I want a fast sss shader too


      • New docs are amazing! Examples left me simply speechless. Among other features, I've noticed reaaly cool images, produced with Delone Triangulation interpolation. I have a question - did you reworked this technique and made it better, since currently it produces nothing but splotches all over the place, regardless of rendering parameters. Even on ultra-hyper high settings picture isn't even close to being smooth. Or this area was not touched, and such smooth GI with Delone Triangulation is possible to produce even with current build.



        • i believe it was there before
          Keep Going!


          • Yes it was, but I wonder whether it was retouched. I could not even match those examples with DT even on very simple scenes like sphere lying on a plane and lit with HDRI. I've rizen all parameters to enormous values, so efficiency of this method was really doubtful but it still produces only splotches. Common Precalc'd Overlapping method with such high settings produces almost as crisp images as Direct Computation does.


            • when I was saying "Precalc'd Overlapping" I meant "Least Squares Fit"


              • i could be wrong, but i don't think anything was changed there ...
                it's just a matter of getting the settings right
                unfortunately i have no idea how Vlado did it
                Keep Going!


                • bump! for vray 1.5


                  • DR

                    Getting back to gafl's question, I really hope V-Ray 1.5 will support DR for Max 6 as well. Anybody know anything about it?...the install instructions on the help beta list max 4&5, but no 6. Thanks.


                    • For the Delone triangulation interpolation, you need two things:
                      1) High enough Hemispheric subdivs for the irradiance map (60-70 is usually enough)
                      2) Low enough Noise amount for the QMC sampler (0.001-0.002 is usually enough).

                      Please keep in mind that not all parts of the documentation have been updated; specifically the part on DR was not touched at all to include DR for max6.

                      Bake3D was never in the help index - we still have to add it - but that doesn't mean it's not supported or doesn't work with the internal builds; in fact we think of rolling the baking part into VRay itself.

                      Best regards,
                      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                      • Ok Vlado !!

                        Thanks a lot, that means for me that my computer and software
                        investment will be usefull one year later
                        At last, I'll be able to work...

                        How much we laugh with you !

                        This is a very good news, thank you



                        • Impressive features list! ( big huge on vlado and peter )

                          I agree with Eugenio Jr ideas (esspecially faster sss), but let them work on that after the 1.5 release.

                          How long does the second testing phrase usually take? is there another testing phrase after that or is the release after this testing phrase?
                          how long do we have to wait


                          • I think the next phase is the public beta for all registered users. Just to find anything the rest of us have missed. Then it is done.
                            Torgeir Holm |


                            • and we have pushed pulled prodded pokes and ripped at vray to find bugs. however there might be that one obscure use we havent tried as yet that might have a bug.

                              MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                              stupid questions the forum can answer.


                              • what about Maya...... has it been forgotten?????

                                Down with MAX

