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  • 1.08.02..

    Everything from that point until 1.09.03r has (Generally) been a bug fix as required/reported or repaired. by extension that would make the previous series the one you want to use. In the process of testing, and working with the .09 series it came to a point of being more stable and usable then the 08 series... About the time of oh... 09.02a.

    Mabye you need to take a look at one of the Readme.RTF's that used to come with the builds detailing the exact fixes and updates to the rendering system. (It would be nice if they still did~)

    Purpose of this test build (1.09.01a)

    In addition to testing the new features, the purpose of this build is make sure all other features work as expected. Another important purpose of this build is to determine suitable default values for the new parameters and those with modified action. These are the settings of the irradiance map (color and distance thresholds, min/max rate, randomized sampling, usage of current pass samples, interpolation type).
    What should you be using for your production? Well, thats a Risk Vs Reward question to ask yourself. in this town at least, you have a choice. from my dealings in general with software, thats a Good Thing (tm).

    Enough time wasted. Good Bye
    Dave Buchhofer. // Vsaiwrk


    • TROLL ALERT!!!

      Long John has been indentified as a TROLL by the system. Click here for more information.

      Link taked from 3donline forum.


      • Jeez, I'm sorry vlado. I think I sparked all that.

        Honestly I have nothing bad to say at all about vray. I love a lot of things about it and there are some things I think need some work BUT... I'm fully aware of the current state it's in and completely understand what goes into making a program/plugin of this scale. Not easy... trust me. Furthermore do the people complaining even understand how much crazy knowledge you need to write something like this? Go to Barnes and Noble and read up. Even better... come to siggraph and sit in on some white papers.

        Originally posted by PiXeL_MoNKeY
        Long John one thing you and the other complainers need to understand is that the buggy release may not be the result of something that Chaos Software has done. Vlado and the other programers have to try and make Vray work with MAX and then the other third party plugins. This cannot be an easy task. The fact that Discreet likes to change APIs and protocol between versions doesnt help. For example, Discreet made changes to some of the net rendering procedures and this effected all 3rd party renderers in MAX 6 that are trying to do DR. Also, I don't see too many of the complainers post a valid bug report so the programmers can fix the "buggy" features. I see Long John has one post about a render effect preview, but there is no step by step reproduction procedure or a sample file that crashes just a this happens some times. You dont even list the version of MAX you are using, your computer specs or anything that can be of help to the programmers. How helpful is that? They are not mind readers.

        Just my thoughts.
        Well said PiXeL_MoNKeY


        • Learn it the hard way....every product there is on the market is due to failure at some point...whether its software, hardware and even medicine goes bad after time....
          if you car breaks you drag it to the manufacturer and complain or do you get it fix by a mechanic?

          Im not a fanboy and i dont simply follow...i use vray because it gives and performs better than any other renderer...i've teach with discreet center for 9 years and i have not come across anything like vray.

          for those of you who complains to much and have no respect for others...i suggest you move on and load up with other brands of renderer...this forum is for users who have faith in Valdo and his team.
          Reza Bahari



          • This forum is for ALL VRay users (including the potential users). Not only for those who have faith in someone or something. This is not a fanclub.


            • To quote Long John:

              Btw: How comes that most software coder are so unorganized?
              You only have to look at their workplaces.
              I hate to say it but there may be some truth to that 'joke.' All my friends that code have cans of spilled soda behind their monitors. Well, here's the one and only ubiquitos link that'll answer your question from Slashdot today:

              LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
              HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
              Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


              • come to siggraph and sit in on some white papers
                Hehe, yeah that'll get your head spinning, I try to avoid the ones with "algorithms" in the title
                Eric Boer


                • hey Long John, why don't you make everyones lives a little better and return V-Ray as it's obvious that your extreemly unhappy with it and go buy Final Render or Brazil or some other "perfect" engine.

                  If you plan on keeping the software why don't you take a more civil approach and post your problems with the plugin in the bug's section or better yet email Chaos directly and they may be able to supply you with a patch that will help you ihn your workflow.

                  Taking shots at the programers and anyone else unfortunate enough to reply to your recent posts will only piss people off and it will probably get to a point where you realy do need help but no one will help you because of the way you have been acting over the past few weeks.

                  Just a thought,

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                  • I Agree with Syclone1.


                    • Originally posted by RErender
                      Hehe, yeah that'll get your head spinning, I try to avoid the ones with "algorithms" in the title
                      hehehe...or the ones that say " a minimum of college algebra and matrix theory knowledge is preffered but not requred..." :P



                      • but not requred...
                        not required? yeah right....


                        • point exactly :P



                          • Woow page 26 already!
                            You guys are doing pretty good!
                            Just to give my opinion, because it looks very fashionable in this forum to post something on this thread, why don't the complaining guy stick to the old version? I've never had major probs with mine, eventhough there's a few things that I would like to see improved (I'm not even sure it would go faster). Ther a place in the forum where you can post for that called wishlist. Like everybody, I'm looking forward to version 1.5 but I can wait as long as needed for it to be fully functional. If I have a recommandation to give to vlado and the rest of the chaos group, it is to keep on the good work and to make sure that everything is running smoothly before releasing it.

                            thanks to the chaos group for this amazing program that has changed radically my way of working (in a good way of course)


                            • suitaloon, if you dont know why those complaining dont just use the last version released as "production stable" then you dont understand their type of "human nature."

                              Im sure it was a rhetorical question, but theyll never get it, because they have these blinders on that only let them see the world where they get to have their cake and eat it too. Where if the heavens dont align for them on a daily basis, then they feel the need to make sure everyone else knows that they are "displeased."

                              Of course, as distasteful as it seems, I suppose without SOMEONE complaining, chaos group might assume that everyone was just always happy with their product and maybe they dont work nearly as hard. A little pressure never hurt. Who knows.


                              "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                              • Thank you for the kind explanation of my human nature, percydaman.

                                All I'm asking for is proper documentation for VRay. There has been no such thing for years now. There are way too many parameters, checkboxes etc. that I don't understand or don't fully understand. And I don't feel like spending (wasting) days sitting at the computer finding it all out by myself. I have more important and more interesting things to do, I must say.

