render stripes are a no go when you make use of max post effects.
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Important V-Ray 1.5 announcement
Originally posted by egzlearn to read natty. i said i GUESS.
i have enough of all this fan boy attitude some show here.
That doesn't mean that we are 100% happy. We report bugs, ask for fixes, changes and features all the time. And most of the time the issues are dealt with very quickly. You get much better results by contacting Chaos directly instead of shouting in the forum.
Discreet changed things in max6 that means the DR has to change.
Brazil still has no DR released. And fR has the advantage of being a DCP plugin, meaning they get a lot better support from discreet than through the Sparks program which I've heard is practically useless.
if DCP makes it easyer then make Vray a DCP plugin please.
You've made me curious now. What do you render?
but im here as individual.
i will not post a link to my companys website, especially not after this rant. don´t know what my boss will think about this.
im sorry, but some of you only see the good sites and can not understand that DR is a very important feature for some.
if we would do animation nobody would care about DR.
but we do stills all the time.
im off now, before i get my ass kicked.
Janus, at least not in the current versions. The effects need the full scene render time-info, and that isn't available to the computer gathering the buckets.Torgeir Holm |
Maybe effects like that, that only modify based on pixel RGB values will work. I believe most effects won't work though.Torgeir Holm |
Egz is right
the new release is a breakthrough in several way´s. workflow for interiors du to lightmap, extremly fast interiors,
unlimited geometry feature that you all will use very fast after first time trying it.
channels, better as those of brazil. And so on.
they are still working on it, to make it realy good. so let them do the last steps.
and you can be sure. if distributed wasnt in, this release still is worth it, and if it wasn´t in, which we will see soon enough, it is due to the fact, that discreet changed the whole dr thing. Vlado and Peter do know about this point on our priority list. They are damn good in their job.
so just wait for it.
ahh by the wayegz. I´am sorry for my english, my teacher hated me, and i only learned it from max tutorials i think
greetings from Sascha
I am really getting tired of all this "Fanboy" is spreading through these forums like mad. If supporting a tool one finds helpful makes a "Fanboy", then so be it. For me personally, if I were to be a fanboy for anything, it would be Brazil as I have met the guys making it several times at Siggraph and like very much their attitudes and convictions. I support that product as well even though I am now using VRay more than it. I try to recognize a valuable product when I use it, and am now supporting VRay for the benifits it brings me and the company I work for.
If you are not talented enough to make a tool do what you need, then find another tool, or find another job. A professional gets the job done with the tools that are available to them in the time frame required. Whatever did anyone do before DR (wasn't that long ago). Do you suppose Vlado is griping to the developers of C++ to make a language that will get his DR code working correctly!?? Flooding forums with negative speculative crap does nothing but aggrivate others. If you truely feel you have a problem with this product, send the makers private messages expressing your concerns. Keep the forums clean and constructive. If you feel you need to express your negative feelings, why not try to do so without disrespecting the programmers and other members of this place. wonder patience is a seems to be in short supply
so...are you telling us you're a "fanboy" charley???...cause if you are......:P :P (j/k)
I think everyone needs to cool off/lighten up........
1) log off this forum
2) turn off your computer
3) put some pants on ( I work naked a lot of times)
4) go outside for a nice walk in the park, smoke a joint.....or go out to a to/interact w/ other human beings face to face........or just take a cold shower.......
I think this thread should be locked. I think people see a new post here get excited, then are dissapointed, get angry, and start arguments.
I know I just added to the long thread of posts that dont really pertain to the subject, but lets stop, unless its an Announcement!