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Important V-Ray 1.5 announcement

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  • I work a lot with compositing, so the addition of "channels" is a relief to me! *phew!*


    • I think this thread should be locked. I think people see a new post here get excited, then are dissapointed, get angry, and start arguments.
      I think there will be a new thread announcing the 1.5 when it gets here ... (I unsubscribed from this thread for the same reason)

      Now, let me ask a question to those who use MAX6. I choose to post it here, as it seems to be the current topic.

      We've had 12 MAX6 boxes on the shelf collecting dust for the past 7 months, because we were wating for DR to be implemented.

      Now I hear that the Render Stripe or what ever it's called, is doing a good job for those rendering big stills? Does it run over the Backburner? Does it use the qeue?

      If so, why on earth have I been waiting all this time? Please do tell, so that I can get rid of this awfull MAX5.1 !

      Eyecadcher Media


      • Eh, where's the 'edit' button?

        Anyway, one more question: Will channels work if render using the 'render stripes'?

        Eyecadcher Media


        • Originally posted by cocolas
          I think everyone needs to cool off/lighten up........

          1) log off this forum

          2) turn off your computer

          3) put some pants on ( I work naked a lot of times )

          4) go outside for a nice walk in the park, smoke a joint.....or go out to a to/interact w/ other human beings face to face..... ...or just take a cold shower.......

          You're DAMN right man!!!

          But I don't agree with Travis to lock down the thread.... It would starts the flaming that the developers don't stand the discussion about the bugs & imperfections...

          Kind regards,



          • it only works over the backburner and uses the que.
            If it works with the chanels? I don´t know I have never seen the chanels in vray
            Daniel Westlund


            • TJE,

              first sell those 12 max boxes, now.
              you don't need additional max licenses for network rendering, that would be insane.

              to use render stripes prepare your scene for netrendering with backburner and activate "render stripes" then. the image will be sliced and distributed between the backburner servers. it is a dirty solution though.
              Marc Lorenz
              ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


              • Hey plastic - I think you misunderstood. We have 12 seats... The renderfarm machines don't have licenses.

                Why is it a dirty solution? Thanks!

                Eyecadcher Media


                • If vray won't be released soon, some people here will kill someone, maybe his neightbour, maybe the first pedestrian he see in the street, i don't know, but someone


                  • I think these guys 'secret' is that, they all want 20,000


                    • whop.. an spanish vjapi

                      anyway i think that 2 years is time enought to finish a renderer or at least to fix their actual lacks.. unfortunely we cant do anything, if coders said we have to wait we cant really make another thing than wait the release...

                      (i also have my copy of vray-shared with a friend- and we really need fixes in many spects -instances (working fine we mean),better shading support,improved and faster raytrace in serveral aspect,etc-)


                      • Originally posted by TJE
                        Hey plastic - I think you misunderstood. We have 12 seats... The renderfarm machines don't have licenses.

                        Why is it a dirty solution? Thanks!

                        good...well you dont see progress on the screen, backburner splits up the image into multiple frames. you can only use about 8 slices maybe or things will get innefficient and unstable. although it's much better in max6 than previously with the crashed all the time.
                        Marc Lorenz
                        ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


                        • Hey, I'm also curious why it is dirty solution. It seems to be working just fine.
                          By the way, I think the reason, why Chaos delayed with DR for max 6 is because max 6 already HAS built-in DR! So, if DR-ing is so critical for you, why not to use Backburner?


                          • I don't know much about DR but in the few times I've used the render strips method, it has worked without a problem. I think the only drawback to it is that it may not be as effecient with system resources as true DR is but I could be wrong.

                            As a side note I also think that this thread should be closed because it has become very unproductive.

                            V Miller


                            • @plastic_: Interesting... I agree, the 'visual' contact with the rendering is crucial when doing tests, but it sounds as if final renders could work great being striped. (sorry for the word-mix)
                              Thanks for the info.

                              @Vance3d: Unsubscribe, perhaps?

                              Eyecadcher Media


                              • Originally posted by C00PER
                                Hey, I'm also curious why it is dirty solution. It seems to be working just fine.
                                By the way, I think the reason, why Chaos delayed with DR for max 6 is because max 6 already HAS built-in DR! So, if DR-ing is so critical for you, why not to use Backburner?
                                Uh Cooper, DR is Distributed Rendering. ie: Using multiple machines to render a single image or frame. What you were describing is the Network Rendering, using multiple machines to render individual frames in an animation.

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