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Important V-Ray 1.5 announcement

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  • I've written this before, at least a month ago: personally I think it would be a perfect strategic move to release V-Ray 1.5 on December 1st, just a few weeks before Maxwell 1.0. This will i.m.h.o. seriously reduce the risk of Maxwell attracting attention before the new V-Ray will.

    Just my $0.02. I can lively imagine that Vlado and the other Chaos Group members only want to release 1.5 when it's 99 percent bug-free, and the new features that are mentioned at will probably require some more beta testing. — design | illustration | visualization | cartoons | animation


    • Originally posted by oconv
      kentucky fried movie

      i guess it's a pitty that maxwell is delayed, so chaos has less pressure to release 1.5.
      on the other side, there are always surprising new features and hopefully more stability at the end.
      but when is the end....

      I guess I have to accept that people just don't see the big picture. That 99% of the people are still close minded. They have all built up 1.5 to be the amazing thing that will do their renderings and get them coffee. They think that Vray 1.5 will be this holy grail not realizing that they already have it. They are also the people that buy maxwell on their Gallery alone. I am very interested in Maxwell, but I couldn't care less about its Gallery. To me, it's short comings, and what they are doing to solve them is way more important. It also has some interesting advantages as well.

      The near future of CG lighting is WAY beyond the release Maxwell or Vray 1.5. It is in the fact that Vray will soon be standalone, have it's own shader language, will be ported to Maya, XSI, Linux... The future is also in multipass rendering and the blend between lighting, shading, and compositing... it is in floating point unclamped color output. The future lies in realtime shading, and arbitrary output variables.

      While the 1.5 release seem to be an easy thing to try to understand... think bigger... way bigger. Because I think Chaos is.

      It is exactly like chaos is driving the car and the people are like the kids in the back of the car saying "Are we there yet?" not realizing where we are going, why, and how long it will take... they don't care as long as the answer is "Yes, we are there" having no idea what "there" is.

      Morning rant over... that was fun...

      Edit PS... BTW, I know that Splutterfish and Maxwell is thinking bigger too. They have similar issues with their users. Last time I spoke with Steven at Splutterfish... they also had some really big fish to fry.


      • I just want 1.5 for Max because it offers a few more interesting wannahaves compared to the already fabulous 1.xx.yy.zz, that's all. No big deal, this isn't depriving me of any sleep.

        I did not ask for the future of floating point coffee-getting shader-linguistic unclamped arbitrary thingamajig. I guess you should drink less of that coffee and have a relaxing cup of herbal tea.

        As a footnote I do think that an official public 1.5 release will have great commercial value regarding attracting new V-Ray customers. We V-Ray veterans all know that 1.xx.yy.zz is very close to 1.5, but an official public new version release will attract valuable attention from the general 3D audience, especially because otherwise Maxwell surely will. — design | illustration | visualization | cartoons | animation


        • I know you kow metin... I'm not attacking you. Hey... where did Long John go? He was fun to talk to about this.... HAAAA


          • Originally posted by cpnichols
            They think that Vray 1.5 will be this holy grail not realizing that they already have it.
            Yes and no. We the beta users keep running into issues that are "fixed in newer builds" or are shown features that are coming in "newer builds" but most of us don't get ahold of them.

            The DR issue for one... it was one of the things that originally was scheduled for 1.5, but most people still don't have issues with it in the current 'available' build 1.47.03 (which was released in May btw). Vlado says its been fixed, is more reliable, etc in newer builds, but except for a very few, we can't get ahold of it.


            • Originally posted by cpnichols
              I know you kow metin... I'm not attacking you. Hey... where did Long John go? He was fun to talk to about this.... HAAAA
              lol, noooo :P
              Eric Boer


              • Come on Long John, let's have another one of those archetypical hormonal forum discussions about what has been discussed many times before!
       — design | illustration | visualization | cartoons | animation


                • I guess I have to accept that people just don't see the big picture. That 99% of the people are still close minded.
                  I guess those people 99% of people hapen to be using 1.47.xx
                  I think those people will immediately think bigger once 1.5 hits the road
                  You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.


                  • — design | illustration | visualization | cartoons | animation


                    • who cares about number. last version is working very good for me.
                      damn, I love vray, I love Chaos. sorry I had to say it
                      Luke Szeflinski
                      :: cgi


                      • I think most of us recognize all that has been done. I became a Vray user very recently (already version 1.46.xx. And it made my work a lot easier in many ways so I'm eternally grateful. The only thing that bothers, and maybe is the reason why this post doesn't die, is because most of us doesn't know at what point the development is and it turns out to be disappointing to seeing the days pass by and new features being added and no final! It just feels endless. Please don't get me wrong, but with such an active comunity of users, if Chaos could keep a simple blog of what's going on (I might be wrong!) I guess everyone would be more relaxed... just an idea.



                        • Radio silence causes speculations and discontent.

                          I don't know what's going on, but exactly the same is currently happening in the Maxwell camp: the developers seem to have withdrawn from most of the usual correspondence with their users and have resorted to secrecy regarding nearly all developments.

                          I prefer a fruitful interaction with the developers of my favourite renderer.
                 — design | illustration | visualization | cartoons | animation


                          • if people want to know the meaning of frustration they should go no further than the Maxwell Forum & the total pandemonium surrounding RC1 & RC2 over the past 2 or 3 days. Holy smokes - i'm glad I havent had time to install Maxwell yet! Theres the best evidence imagineable that its far better for a new release to come out "later" rather than "sooner". Long live Vray.
                            Win10.Ryzen1950X. 80GbRam. RTX3080.RTX2070.Sketchup 22.0.354.VRaySketchUp.6001. - NvidiaStudioDriver 527.37


                            • i rather work with a stable beta than a buggy final.

                              vray works fine for me, does his job, what do i want more!?



                              • yeah i have heard reports from maxwell users that the new RC1 and RC2 seems "rushed"

                                In the same way that hell is hot... LOL very very very

                                Ahh well now they have more than the speed to complain about

                                Im sure they will get it all ironed out.

